Newbies to the writing arena have many questions about creating an author platform. And, the most puzzling one is whether they need a website before they have a book published or in contract. In fact, I’ve recently been questioned twice about whether a newbie with NO book on the publishing horizon should bother to start…
Walking Through Walls Book Trailer
Walking Through Walls was honored with the Children’s Literary Classics Silver Award. Set in 16th century China, this middle-grade fantasy adventure is about 12-year-old Wang. Not liking to work, it really bugs him that he has to help his father tend the wheat fields. Thinking he can bypass work and struggle (and become rich and…
Publishing Your Book the Hybrid Way
As with everything, the publishing industry has changed. With the difficulty in getting a traditional contract through queries and proposals and the hands-on learning and doing of ‘real’ self-publishing, there is a third option: Hybrid publishing. So, what exactly is hybrid publishing? According to Ingram Spark, “Hybrid publishing combines some elements of traditional publishing with…
3 Reasons Why Editing Should Come Before Self-Publishing
Self-publishing is an amazing beast. It has brought the world of publishing into the hands of you, Joe, Beth, and everyone and anyone who wants to write a book. It has brought writing power and freedom to all. But, with writing power and freedom comes responsibility. This means that while it’s true that self-publishing has…
Opening Paragraphs
Contributed by Suzanne Lieurance What’s perhaps the most important part of anything you write? The opening paragraph, of course. Yet many times, that’s the part writers have the most trouble with. They end up with an opening paragraph that is too long, too unfocused, and doesn’t really lead to what happens next. With that in…
Writing Success – Do You Really Have the Power?
The question in the title has been asked for hundreds, probably thousands of years. The simple truth of the matter is you have the power. You are in control of whether you become successful or not. Most of it has to do with your thought process. Zig Ziglar said, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will…
Making a Fiction Story Work – 5 Key Elements
Think about the last time you read a story that stayed with you. A story that made you feel. A story that took you on an adventure or had you sitting on the edge of your seat. A story that made you cry or laugh . . . or think. These types of stories have…
Is Your Protagonist Multi-Dimensional?
Is your protagonist one, two, or three dimensional? Between your characters and the plot, you develop a story. If the mix is right and the characters are believable, you can create a story worthy of publication. While there are many articles about creating believable characters, it’s an important topic, and reminders are always in order…
Self-Publishing – 3 Perks and 4 Warnings
It seems the majority of people are self-publishing. With the limited traditional publishing opportunities, it only makes sense. In addition to the difficulty in getting a traditional contract there are at least three perks to going Indie. 1. You are in complete control.2. Getting your book published and available for sales will take a fraction…
What is an Author Platform and How Do You Build It?
Building a writing career can be a long, and at times, difficult road. And, many new authors think writing itself is the tough part, but that’s not really the case. Writing a story that you intend to publish traditionally or self-publish has a beginning, a middle, and an end. You can create an outline as…