While this site is for those who want to author a children’s book, I do get the occasional individual who wants a memoir written. So, I thought I’d provide some information on that topic. Writing a memoir is different things to different people. Some people are looking for closure, or a cathartic release from a…
Tips on How to Write Out a Word You Don’t Know
It’s most likely happened to everyone. You’re thinking of a word, but you’re just not sure how to spell it. And, your not even getting close enough for your Word program to give you suggestions. Since this is a common occurrence, Hubspot decided to put together an infographic full of tips. And, since those who…
Your Writing Week – You’ve Got to Make a Schedule
Contributed by Team Member Suzanne Lieurance As you’re planning your work week, be sure to do the following if you wish to have the most productive week possible: 1. List your 3 major writing/career goals at the top of this week’s marketing plan – that way, you can check each of the actions you plan…
The Front Matter – Before the Story Text Begins
I get lots of questions from my clients as to what comes after the story is written. While a lot of the questions are about illustrations, what’s been coming up more and more is about the pages that come before the story text begins. The pages before the story are called the front matter. Just…
KDP – eBooks and Print Books Now All in One Place
I guess it was only a matter of time, and that time is now. KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) now offers publishing in paperback. It’s a print-on-demand process, so there are no upfront costs. KDP will subtract the printing costs from your royalties which will be 60-70% on the list price you set. And, there are…
Building a Writing Career Takes Practice and Focus
Several years ago, my grandson was trying out for the All County Band in his area. He told me the piece he had to play was difficult and he was getting anxious over it. I told him that practice is a powerful tool. Just 10-15 minutes a day will help tremendously. Obviously, the more practice,…
What Is Your Writing Forte?
Writing is such a unique journey for each and every writer. Some find it easy to meld their chapters one into another; others find it easy to get just the right ending, with some kind of twist or surprise that gives it a great edge. Others still, find it easy to jump right into a…
3 Steps to Querying Publishers and Agents
You’ve been slaving for months, maybe years, on your manuscript. You’ve read about belonging to a critique group to help hone your work and took the advice to heart. You have also listened to the advice about submitting your manuscript to an editor after your critique group is done with it, and after you’ve meticulously…
Balance in Fiction Writing – The Major Elements
There are five major elements to a fiction story and it’s the combination of these elements that make the story complete, interesting, and considered good writing. Too much of one or not enough of another can affect the readers ability to connect with the story. So, what are the major elements of a story? The…
Create a Believable Protagonist with Realistic Characteristics
It’s noted that you should let the reader see your protagonist’s characteristics within the first few pages. This enables the reader to quickly identify with him. This connection will determine whether the reader turns the next page. Unless you’re writing fantasy or science fiction, your protagonist will have ordinary strengths (possibly extraordinary, but within the…