Once your manuscript is complete, it’s time to submit if you’re taking the traditional path. The first thing you’ll need is a synopsis. Then it’s on to the submitting process.
Self, Indie, and Hybrid Publishing – Which is for You?
Authors have lots of choices when it comes to publishing. There’s traditional, self, indie, and hybrid. Which is best for you?
6 Things a Writer Should Always Do
What’s the very first thing you should do as a writer? It’s pretty simple, you should know what you’re doing. Find out the other five things.
Shaun the Sheep and Marketing with Animation
If an hour and a half cartoon movie with no talking can hold a child’s attention, you can be assured using short-clip animation will do the same for your book marketing audience.
Sell Your Books Face-to-Face
Book marketing encompasses a lot of strategies, one of them is selling books face-to-face. Find out how to go about it.
Sensitivity Readers – Are They Now a Necessity?
Description: We’re in a world where some people have ultra-sensitive trigger fingers. We’re in a world of hidden social media lurkers and bullies. Under the circumstances, do you need a sensitivity reader for your manuscript?
Two Ways to Format Your Manuscript
Contributed by Linda Wilson Properly formatting my MG mystery book loomed in the background during editing. The reckoning day arrived. Thanks to children’s author Margot Finke I knew who to call upon: the formatting service at Golden Box Books Publishing Services. Margot sang the praises of Golden Box author Erika M. Szabo, who did the…
7 Steps to Creating a Successful Writing Career
If you are selling books, you have a business, even if just a simple sole proprietorship.
6 Writing Mistakes to Avoid
Six writing mistakes to avoid if you want to be author of a book you’ll be proud of.
Words Can Influence Your Writing Career
Tips on turning negative words and habits into habits that can nurture your writing career.