Focus, determination, and perseverance are essential to just about every aspect of your life. Each characteristic is unique and together creates a powerful synergy. Focus is one’s ability to concentrate exclusively on a particular thing through effort or attention. Determination is an unchanging intention to achieve a goal or desired end. Perseverance takes determination a…
Author: Karen Cioffi
Want to Self-Publish a Rhyming Children’s Book? Read This First
As a ghostwriter I deal with a lot of new authors. One scenario I come across now and then is when someone sends me a story with rhyme. When this happens, the story is lacking and the rhyme is unprofessional; it’s my job to guide these authors on the path of ‘doing it right.’ I…
Writing, Submissions, and Working With Editors
Every writer, at least hopefully, will work with an editor from time to time. While, we’d all like it to be on a regular basis, time to time is better than nothing. When in the joyous situation (you’ve gotten something accepted for publication), there are some tips that will help you in your working relationship…
4 Realities New Writers Need to Face
Writing can be a tough field to be in. Some authors seem to make it overnight, while others struggle on for years with little success. With this in mind, every writer should be aware of at least four must-know tips to help get over the bumps in the writing road. 1. It’s going to take…
The 3 Levels of Picture Books
Children’s picture books have 3 levels or purposes in regard to the reader and purchaser. Think of it as the structure of a house: there’s a basement, a first floor, and often an upper floor. Level 1: The basement, or Surface Level, is geared toward the youngest reader (or listener if too young to read)….
Freelance Writers and Ghostwriters: 2 Super-Essential Warnings
I’m a working children’s ghostwriter and get a lot of queries asking about my writing service. Doing this for a number of years, I’ve come across different personalities, different requests, and a couple of ‘be careful’ moments. The first tip is about your information and scammers. One of the recent ‘watch it moments’ was from…
The One Sentence Pitch for Your Manuscript
Your one sentence pitch is a very condensed, super-tight yet concise description of your story, specifically the plot of your story. Think of it as a one sentence calling card–you’re unique selling proposal or proposition. A beginning step on your book marketing journey. You might ask why it needs to be only one sentence. Well,…
How Do You Build a Successful Writing Career? (3 Tips)
Writers need to be tough. It’s not an easy arena to be in. Did you know that writers get so many rejections there have actually been studies done on it. According to a Huffington Post article, “96% of authors seeking agents are rejected.” (1) That’s pretty severe. Another article at Writer’s Digest says, “don’t even…
Aim for Writing Success
Writing success can mean different things to different writers. Some writers may simply want to get a book or article published; others may want to be on the New York Times Best Sellers List; still others may want to make a living writing; and there are those who may be seeking wealth and fame. The…
Writing – Let Tom Swift Guide You
Guest Post by Carolyn Howard-Johnson Ever heard of Tom Swifties? Maybe you’re too young to be familiar with the classic Tom Swift adventures for boys. Or maybe you’re a girl who never read a Tom Swift book nor cares to. Tom Swifties are one-line jokes lampooning the style of Victor Appleton, the author of the…