Writers are writers, or are they? What’s the difference between a working writer and a writer?
Author: Karen Cioffi
Key Ingredients to Writing Success: Time and Practice
There are two main ingredients to writing success, the first is time, the second is practice.
Authors: Tips to Modeling Professional Books
A useful way to build your writing skills as an author is to model professional books.
Writing: How to Curb Bad Habits
Bad habits can put road blocks in your writing success path. Find out how to curb self-defeating patterns.
Stan Jaskiel, children’s book illustrator, describes his process for creating an illustration.
Picture Book Authors Must Read Picture Books
Should children’s picture books have an adult as the main character? Or be heavily involved in it? To find out, read on.
Taking a Creative Detour from Writing
When you’re writing is stuck, you might consider a creative detour.
Examples of Writing Using Sensory Details
Sensory details bring your story to life. They enhance the character’s depth as well as the setting. It’s these details that helps connect and engage the reader emotionally.
Should You Write for Your Audience or for Yourself?
While it’s always been said you should write for your audience, is it always true?
Writing Books – Don’t Sacrifice Quality
When self-publishing, it’s important to remember that not only is your reputation as an author on the line, but your book will also reflect upon the self-publishing arena.