Some authors don’t think blogging is necessary. Their goal is to write one book or more, but they should understand that it takes work to sell those books. So, this article is for the writers who consider their writing a business, as they should. And those who want to learn how to market their books and skills. Blogging works when you share your articles. I’ve gotten queries for my writing services from people on LinkedIn and Instagram. There are no hard-fast rules as to how many words a blog post should be, but it does seem that search engines prefer meaty posts. I try to get my posts between 700 and 900 words. It doesn’t always work, but I do try. So, why do I want my word count in that area? Well, it's long enough to provide valuable information and engage readers but short enough to maintain their attention. These are the types of blog posts I like to read. While some people love to read articles that are 1500-2500 words, that’s not my cup of tea. I like to get the information quicker than that. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a 700-word blog post: 1. Choose a Topic Select a topic that's relevant to your audience and fits within the scope of your blog. Make sure it's something you're knowledgeable about or willing to research. If you’re stuck for an idea, just research on topics that interest you in the genre you write. 2. Research Gather information from reliable sources to support your blog post. These sources could include books, articles, studies, or personal experiences. Take notes and organize your research for easy reference. This step makes your information more credible. 3. Create an Outline Develop an outline that includes an introduction, main points, and a conclusion. This will help you structure your blog post and ensure you cover all the necessary information. I don’t usually use outlines for blog posts. I let the information unfold. I know what I want to say and say it. 4. Create an Effective Title The title is the first thing a potential buyer or client will see. And the best titles let the reader know what the article can do for them. For example: 7 Ways to Burn Calories 10 Steps to Sell Your Books How to Become a Best-Selling Author How to Get Your Next Writing Assignment How-tos and number steps are popular formats 5. Write the Introduction (70-100 words) -Start with a hook to grab the reader's attention. This step is essential. While the title got the reader to your site (and possibly your description), it’s your first paragraph that will motivate the reader to read on. -Introduce the topic and explain its relevance. -Provide a brief overview of what the reader can expect from the article. 6. Write the Body (500-550 words) -Divide your content into 2-4 main points or sections, depending on complexity. -Start each section with a clear and concise topic sentence. -Use supporting evidence, examples, and statistics to back up your points. -Keep paragraphs short and focused (3-4 sentences each). This allows for easy reading and plenty of white space. -Use subheadings to break up the text and make it more scannable. -Transition smoothly between sections to maintain the flow. 7. Write the Conclusion (70-100 words) -Summarize the key points made in the blog post. -Reiterate the main message or takeaway. -Encourage readers to take action or think further about the topic. I even sometimes title the last paragraph: Summing It Up. 8. Edit and Proofread -Review your blog post for clarity, grammar, and spelling errors. -Check for consistency in style and tone. -Ensure that your content flows logically from start to finish. -Consider readability, such as short sentences and paragraphs. -Eliminate unnecessary words to make your writing more concise. -Use words people can easily understand. 9. Add Visuals (if applicable): People love visuals. Search Engine Journal says, “Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text, so including them in your content can help pique your audience’s attention quickly.” Incorporate images, infographics, or other visuals to enhance your content. Just be sure that visuals are relevant and properly sourced if necessary. 10. Optimize for SEO (Search Engine Optimization): While it may sound intimidating, SEO is just a way to allow search engines and people to find your articles. -Research and incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout your post. Don’t overdo it, though – that would be considered keyword stuffing. -Use meta tags, title tags, and alt text for images to improve search engine rankings. In other words, anywhere within your website’s CMS (content management system) that allows you to put categories or keywords, use it. -Ensure your blog post has a clear and descriptive meta description. There will be an area for you to add a description of the article. These elements help search engines find your information, store it, and hopefully use it as the result of a searcher’s query. This is a one way traffic (people) is brought to your website. 10. Review, Edit, and Publish: Reviewing and editing is always a must before you publish anything. Your writing is a reflection of you and your writing skills. -Preview your blog post to make sure it looks good on the website. -Double-check all links to ensure they work correctly. -Schedule or publish your blog post and share it on your social media channels on published. Remember that the quality of your content is more important than the word count. Focus on providing value to your readers, addressing their needs, and delivering information in an engaging way. Over time, you can build an audience and establish your blog as a trusted source of information. You might also be interested in: 10 Tips to Reduce Your Blog Post Writing Time

I’m a working children’s ghostwriter, editor, and coach. I can help turn your story into a book you’ll be proud to be the author of, one that’s publishable and marketable.
A guided self-study course and mentoring program.
A DIY book to help you write your own children’s book.
Self-publishing help for children’s authors.
You can contact me at: Or give me a call at 347—834—6700. (Please leave a message- I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.)