“When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.”
This Tray Hurn quote says a lot about the character of different writers.
A common denominator for all writers is that they will, at one time or another, be rejected or struggle with a story, an assignment, or some other type of content they are writing.
Another common denominator for writers is that they will most likely follow the ebbs and wanes of the writing business.
These changes can be challenging, and how writers deal with them is what sets them apart from each other.
Do you put up walls when the winds of change blow your way?
When those winds of change come your way, it can be upsetting, especially if your income slacks off. But don’t get ready to jump ship or get depressed.
Don’t build a wall.
Instead, build your own windmills. Use your time wisely.
Ten things you can do when you find you have extra time on your hands or your manuscript has been rejected by several publishers/agents:
- Brush up on new marketing strategies. Go over your current strategies and see if you can make any improvements to wrangle in new clients or sell more books.
- Create free ebooks to give as incentive to subscribe to your mailing list.
- Create informational ebooks to sell.
- Review your social media profiles. Update them if needed.
- Review your website. Make sure it’s fresh, looks professional, and is up to date.
- Seek interviews with podcasters. They’re always looking for guests.
- If you’re a writer for hire, follow up with potential clients. You should have a list of possible clients, ones who queried you but never hired you. This is the time to reconnect.
- If you’re an author, the first thing you should do if you’ve been rejected by numerous publishers or agents is go over your manuscript again. See if you can find room for improvement. If you’ve given it an honest, careful ‘go over’ and you feel it’s where it should be, start another story.
- Start another story; work on one you’ve already started.
- Brush up on your writing skills. Take a class or a workshop, or attend a writing conference if possible. Always keep your writing moving forward.
There are always things you can do to move forward in your writing career. Build those windmills!

I’m a working children’s ghostwriter, rewriter, editor, and coach. I can help turn your story into a book you’ll be proud to be the author of, one that’s publishable and marketable.
A DIY book to help you write your own children’s book.
Four to twelve-week coaching programs.
Self-publishing help for children’s authors.
You can contact me at: kcioffiventrice@gmail.com. Or give me a call at 347—834—6700. (Please leave a message- I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.)

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