When self doubt about what you’re trying to accomplish creeps into your thoughts, make a decision to either carry through with your goal or trash it and go on with something else you’re more certain of.
Book Marketing On a Budget for Your Newly Published Book
The purpose of this article is to emphasis how important it is to market your book. If you don’t, you won’t get any sales and just as bad, no one will read a story you’ve slaved over. The other purpose is to explain the strategies I used, am using, and will use to promote my book.
Can You Still Get a Book Deal?
If you’re persistent and keep researching agents and publishers who are accepting manuscripts in the genre you’re writing, and keep submitting, you just never know.
5 Tips to Determine Your Audience and Target Market
I recently had a query from a potential client about a picture book series. As we spoke on the phone, he said he already created the first book with the help of a graphic designer. He said the book is kind of a coffee table book. People would buy it because it looks good and…
Outlines and Character Details – Tips on Writing a Middle Grade Story
When writing a middle grade story, it’s important to use the same practices as when writing a novel. The first thing is to write a detailed outline. Along with the outline, creating unique characters is important.
Writing Dialogue? Try These 5 Top Tips
A key factor of dialogue is the relationships between the characters.
How a boy talks to his brother will be different than how he talks to a girl, especially one he likes.
Creating Your Main Character – Hit a Home Run
Contributed by Linda Wilson Bases to cover while creating your main character: First Base: Make your character interesting Give your character a flaw A flaw, according to Webster’s, is “an imperfection or weakness and esp. one that detracts from the whole or hinders effectiveness.” A flaw, according to Kristen Kieffer, is a problem your character…
Ghostwriting and Freelance Writing Scam Alert
With the world in crisis there are scammers out there targeting ghostwriters and probably editors. So, be on guard.
Self-Publishing a Book – Steps to Upload Your Book for Publishing
You have your book’s print-ready file in hand. Now it’s time to upload it to a retailer or aggregator for distribution and sales. But, how do you go about doing this?
Writing Alternate Worlds and Living in One
As a children’s ghostwriter, one of the genres I write in is fantasy and that includes creating other worlds. So, when I read an email from a service I subscribe to, it hit home. The owners said they felt that what’s going on is like being in an alternate universe. I agree. It’s like living…