It’s the rare author who doesn’t succumb to writer’s block at one time or another. So what can you do to get over the writing slump?
What’s Your Takeaway?
What’s the takeaway of your children’s story? Do you know what a takeaway is?
Want to Write For Anthologies?
If you are not familiar with writing for anthologies, this article will discuss the topic. An anthology is …
Top 3 Draws of Traditionally Publishing Children’s Books
Find out the top three reasons why children’s authors choose traditional publishing.
Writing Opportunities and Inspiration Through Television and News
One children’s author’s journey in writing a magazine aricle based on a news item.
Self-Publishing: Scams, Scams, and More Scams
There are a number of scams going around targeting self-publishing authors.
Children’s Book Mastery 2021
I’ve been so busy, I haven’t had a chance to mention that I’m a speaker at the Children’s Book Mastery 2021. Want to ask me something about writing for children? Well my workshop probably covers it. The title is: The Ins and Outs of Children’s Books Genres, Age Groups, Writing and Craft. And, there’s a…
Book Marketing: SEO Basics
By Karen Cioffi As an author, it’s important to understand book marketing. To understand book marketing, it’s important to understand the basics of SEO. SEO may seem confusing and even a bit scary to some. But it needn’t be. Just dip your toe in and learn the basics. It’s kind of common sense once you…
Every Writer Needs a Strong Critique Group
Contributed by Maryellen Annese When I first started writing, one of the best pieces of advice I got was to join a critique group. Thankfully, when I joined SCBWI, I found a group of picture book writers who met monthly to critique their works in progress. Over the last few years, I have learned so…
The Children’s Ghostwriter: Who, How, and Why
Who hires a children’s ghostwriter? This answer to this questions always amazes me.