Contributed by Linda Wilson Properly formatting my MG mystery book loomed in the background during editing. The reckoning day arrived. Thanks to children’s author Margot Finke I knew who to call upon: the formatting service at Golden Box Books Publishing Services. Margot sang the praises of Golden Box author Erika M. Szabo, who did the…
7 Steps to Creating a Successful Writing Career
If you are selling books, you have a business, even if just a simple sole proprietorship.
6 Writing Mistakes to Avoid
Six writing mistakes to avoid if you want to be author of a book you’ll be proud of.
Words Can Influence Your Writing Career
Tips on turning negative words and habits into habits that can nurture your writing career.
Help Readers Find Your Book
You have a book published, but how to you let reader find it? It’s about the details.
Writing Conflict in Children’s Stories – Two Basic Types
How many types of conflict are there in children’s writing, and how many of those can your protagonist face?
Tips on Using Your Amazon Toolbox
Every author should know about Amazon sales ranking. It’s a good indicator as to how your book sales are doing and if you need to tweak something.
Book Marketing – Make Your Content Work For You
A major part of book marketing is to create visibility for your and your books. One way to do this is through creating content and repurposing that content.
How to Keep Your Writing Moving Forward
There are at least two ways you can keep your writing moving forward. The first is to learn a new skill.
You Are Never Too Old to be a Writer
They say it’s never too late to begin a new writing career or pick up where you left off years ago. and I agree. You can even do it at 92!