A major part of book marketing is to create visibility for your and your books. One way to do this is through creating content and repurposing that content.
Author: Karen Cioffi
How to Keep Your Writing Moving Forward
There are at least two ways you can keep your writing moving forward. The first is to learn a new skill.
You Are Never Too Old to be a Writer
They say it’s never too late to begin a new writing career or pick up where you left off years ago. and I agree. You can even do it at 92!
The Domino Chain Reaction and Your Words
As a writer, your words can cause a domino chain reaction. You can spark something in a child or adult that can take a life of its own…
Amazon Book Categories for Greater Visibility
As most authors have their books for sale on Amazon, it’s important to know about Amazon’s book categories.
3 Absolute Must-Nots in Writing for Children
I come across a lot of authors and wannabe authors, and have seen a number of absolute must-nots in kids’ writing. The first and most unusual is the picture book cliff hanger.
Season’s Greetings
Wishing you and your family and healthy, happy, and safe Holiday Season! Be well and stay safe!
Writer’s Block – What Can You Do?
It’s the rare author who doesn’t succumb to writer’s block at one time or another. So what can you do to get over the writing slump?
What’s Your Takeaway?
What’s the takeaway of your children’s story? Do you know what a takeaway is?
Want to Write For Anthologies?
If you are not familiar with writing for anthologies, this article will discuss the topic. An anthology is …