Write It – Publish It – Sell It
To learn to write fiction for children takes work, as with any writing genre, you need to learn the craft. But, with writing for children, there are rules and tricks unique to the genre. And there are genres within genres.
Maybe you’d like to write bedtime stories or picture books. Or, you might want to write chapter books, or books for middle graders or young adult – there are a variety of genres to choose from.
This is a four-week guided course and mentoring program that includes:
– All the basics and more of writing fiction for children with How to Write a Children’s Fiction Book (ebook)
– Editing Books Like a Pro PDF
– Assignment review and feedback
– Special bonus ebook: DIY Self-Publishing
– There’s also an 8-week program, if you’d like more time (see below)
We’ll be using How to Write a Children’s Fiction Book as the foundation of the course. It discusses everything related to writing fiction for children.
If you know you want to take this course, please send me an email to kcioffiventrice@gmail.com. Please put Fiction Writing eCourse in the subject line.
STILL NOT SURE? Need some convincing?
Take a look at each Module:
Section One: Choose Your Target Audience
Introduction to Writing Children’s Fiction
Choosing Your Target Audience
Writing Children’s Books: Genre Differences
Writing Children’s Books: Genres Within Genres
Finding Children’s Story Ideas
Writing for Young Children: Ten Basic Rules
Critiques are Essential
Writing Conferences, Workshops, Books, Magazines, and Articles
Your Assignment
Section Two: Grab Your Reader’s Attention
The Story Beginning Basics
Story Beginning Examples
Creating a Story: Two Different Formulas
Rewriting a Folktale
Your Assignment
Section Three: Building Your Character and Dialogue
Action / Reactions
Description – Imagery
Creating a Three-Dimensional Character
Showing vs. Telling
Writing for Children – Finding Age-Appropriate Words
Your Assignment
Section Four: Story Fundamentals and Strengthening the Middle
Introduction: Writing a Story
Story Fundamentals
Strengthening the Middle
Looking at Examples
Upping the Stakes Ups the Tension / Antagonist / Subplots
Balance in Writing: The Major Elements
What Makes a Good Story: Plot Driven or Character Driven?
Theme and Your Story
Your Assignment
Section Five: Bringing it Home – A Sound Ending
Finding the Ending
Examining Endings
Recommended Reading
Being a Writer: Learn the Craft of Writing
Writing Goals, Detours, and Opportunity Costs
Your Assignment
Section Six: How to Revise and Edit, Research and Find a Publisher
Picking Apart Your Story
Revisions and Editing
Ten Tips Checklist for Self-editing
Final Stages of Self-editing
Once Your Manuscript is Edited: Proofreading
Five Writing Exercises
Exercise Answers
A Guide to Hiring a Freelance Editor
The Manuscript’s Finishing Touches
Your Assignment
Section Seven: Traditional and Self-Publishing
Researching Publishers and Submissions
A Bit About Self-Publishing
Aim for Writing Success
Your Assignment
Section Eight: From Contract to Editor to Sales
From Contract to Working with the Editor to Sales to a Writing Career
Create Visibility Before Getting Published
Book Marketing: Visibility and Platform Basics
Section Nine: Writing and Marketing Bonus Resources
Helpful Online Site
Writing Article Links
Books and eBooks for Writing and Marketing
The End and a Bonus Article: Picture Book or Children’s Magazine Article?
Quotes on Writing, Life, and Success
How to Write a Children’s Fiction Book is 200 pages of pure content – there is NO fluff.
You will receive the course material, and we’ll go over two modules per week over the course of the four weeks; I will answer emailed questions pertaining to that week’s lesson modules. Assignments will be reviewed by the instructor within a week of receiving them.
NOTE: If you’d like a phone consult during the class, it is at a reduced rate of $30 for up to 30 minutes. The call will be billed separately.
NOTE2: If you’d like more time, I have an 8-week program. You will receive one section per week for the 8 weeks for only $349.97. If you’d like to take advantage of this option, send me an email. Or simply opt for the 4-week program at $199.97 and I’ll invoice you an additional $150 in the 4th week.
I’ve had too many problems with PayPal’s Buy buttons, so if you’d like to take the course, just email me at kcioffiventrice@gmail.com and I will email you an invoice.
OR, you can simply send me payment via Zelle or Venmo using kcioffiventrice@gmail.com (phone number: 347—834—-6700 if needed). Include “Fiction Writing for Children eCourse” in the notes area. I’ll contact you as soon as I receive notice of payment.
I ACCEPT ZELLE, VENMO, and PAYPAL (Please note there is a 5% additional fee if PayPal is used.)