Newbies to the writing arena have many questions about creating an author platform. And, the most puzzling one is whether they need a website before they have a book published or in contract.
In fact, I’ve recently been questioned twice about whether a newbie with NO book on the publishing horizon should bother to start working on a platform and more specifically on an author website.
Both individuals felt it would be like putting the cart before the horse.
It’s important to know that this though is far from the case.
Creating a website at the get-go is putting the horse before the cart. It’s one of the forces that will pull you forward and help you establish your online platform, your presence and visibility.
So, the answer to the title question is NO. It’s never too soon to begin your author platform or your author website:
– If you want to be a writer or an author,
– If you intend to submit manuscripts to agents and/or publishers,
– If you intend to self-publish a book, the answer is still the same.
The time to get your online platform started is RIGHT NOW. And, the foundation of your platform is a website.
Keeping up with Marketing Trends
When one author mentioned she was writing a children’s middle grade book and didn’t have a website, I responded that it was a mistake. I told her websites are an essential part of an author’s online platform.
Her reply caught me by surprise. She was advised by a well-known and respected educational site for children’s writing that she should wait until she received a book contract before creating a website.
If this were 10 or 15 years ago that advice would make sense. But, today, agents and publishers want to know what the potential new author’s platform is beforehand.
The size or lack-of-size of an online platform can make or break a contract.
The powers-that-be expect you to have a website in place and be involved in social networks before you even submit a manuscript. They expect you to be a big part of the marketing involved in selling the book.
Jane Friedman, Media Studies instructor at the University of Virginia and former publisher of Writer’s Digest, says, “You must cultivate a readership every day of your life, and you start TODAY.” (1)
Why do you need to start your online platform TODAY?
In a single word, the answer to that question is TIME. Establishing an online platform takes time.
It takes time to establish yourself as an authority in your niche. It takes time to develop a relationship with your readers. It takes time to develop trust. And, it takes time to broaden your reach.
Real life example:
One of my former clients created a website. And, she created pages on two of the major social networks. She did all this way before she started to get her book written.
The results? She has thousands and thousands and thousands of followers on both social networks. I’m talking well over 30,000 followers.
You can be sure I added this information when writing the query letter for her.
Do you think this will make a difference in a publisher or agent’s view of this new author?
You bet it will.
They’ll know she’s able and willing to help sell her books.
Since your author website is the foundation of your author platform, it’s absolutely, positively necessary to get a website setup and optimized as soon as possible.
It’s from this focal point, your hub of information, that you will draw the attention of the search engines and readers. You may even catch the attention of a visiting editor, publisher, or literary agent.
Your website is also the place you will get readers to sign-up for your mailing list – further building your marketing reach. It’s the place you will begin a long-term writer-reader relationship.
Think of your author website as the launching pad of your book marketing platform.
(Sorry, this was revised from a 2013 article and I can’t find the URL to the article.)

I’m a working children’s ghostwriter, editor, and coach. I can help turn your story into a book you’ll be proud to be the author of, one that’s publishable and marketable.
A guided self-study course and mentoring program.
A DIY book to help you write your own children’s book.
Self-publishing help for children’s authors.
You can contact me at: Or give me a call at 347—834—6700. (Please leave a message- I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.)

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