As a children’s ghostwriter, I am often asked what comes after the manuscript is written and edited.
Well, this depends on which publishing road you’ll take: self-publishing or traditional publishing.
Since the majority of my clients go the self-pubbing route, I’ll start there.
BASIC PAGES AND COPY (in addition to the story).
1. You’ll need back cover copy. This is a brief description of the story, usually 100-200 words. It needs to be ‘grabbing’ and ‘clear.’
2. It’s a good idea to have an About the Author or Author’s Note page at the end of the story.
3. A Copyright page – you can include acknowledgments on this page.
4. A Dedication / Acknowledgment page is optional.
5. Some authors want a Preface page, but this usually isn’t necessary.
6. If you have words that need to be defined for the young reader, you might include a Glossary right after the story.
7. Then there’s the Activity Page and Reading Comprehension Page. This is necessary if you want to get your book into the classroom.
Unless you’re creating your own pages, these items will be an additional fee.
You will need illustrations if you have a children’s picture book. Depending on your budget, you’ll need to decide if you want 12/13 interior illustrations (one per spread) or 24/26 illustrations (one per page). A standard picture book is 32 pages. The rest of the pages include front and back matter
Keep in mind that a full spread is considered two pages, and you will be charged for two illustrations.
Note: A spread is the two pages you see when you open a book. For example, pages 1 and 2 / pages 3 and 4 / and so on.
Pricing for illustrations varies. I recommend a couple of illustrators to my clients: the cost is between $80-$150 per interior illustration. There are others who charge $250 and up.
The book cover is a BIGGIE. The cover is one of the most influential elements to motivate someone to pick up your book. You want it done right. Covers are more expensive than interior illustrations.
The back cover is essential as well. After looking at the front cover, a reader will look at the back cover for more information.
Depending on your budget, you can go for a spot illustration for the back cover. This isn’t necessary, though. You can simply have a colored or white back cover with the book’s description. Another option is to ask the book designer to include an interior image on the back cover.
On the flip side, you can probably get illustrations cheaper through various services / illustrators. Just be sure the one you choose is capable of creating quality illustrations.
Again, cover illustrations are more.
Here are a three places you can look for illustrators:
You can also do a Google search. Just please be careful. Be sure to review a portfolio of their work and books they’ve done. But keep in mind that even if you review an illustrator’s portfolio, it doesn’t mean that’s what you’ll be getting. I’ve seen this happen many times.
So, you can see that self-publishing a children’s picture book can get pretty expensive.
Hot Tip: Unless you’re a professional illustrator, or really, really good, don’t attempt to do your own illustrations.
Checking the Illustrations and Illustrations to text.
Unless you hire someone to oversee this process, you will need to make sure there are no errors in the illustrations.
For the first part, you need to carefully review each illustration, including the cover and back cover (if you have an image on the back cover).
It can be something as simple as part of a foot missing, or a picture described in the story conveyed wrong in the illustration. These, among many others, were mistakes I found for one of my clients who hired me to oversee this process for him.
It can even be consistency. How the characters look throughout the story or even the background scenery, for example. In one project I did, the illustrator had molding in some illustrations and none in others where is should have been.
You’ll have to have a keen eye for these possible pitfalls, but getting it right is the difference between a good quality product and a poor quality product.
For the illustrations to text review, it’s the same. You want to make sure the illustration fits the text per spread. Most illustrators get this right, but I’ve come across a few who do make mistakes.
This is your book. You want it to be the best it can be. This means getting all the details right.
Once you have all your illustrations, you will need to have a book designer put it all together and provide print-ready files to upload for publishing and distribution.
Having the book ghostwritten and illustrated can take around 3 months, possibly longer.
The Story
Using myself as an example, I usually take up to a month to write a children’s picture book manuscript of 600 to 2000 words (depends on what my clients’ needs/ wants). I do mention in my freelance agreement that it can take up to eight weeks.
Your manuscript word count can be a little flexible if you’re self-publishing. If you’re going the traditional route it’s essential to keep it within current standard guidelines.
Another factor in the time it takes to write the story is the time it takes the client to respond to questions and approvals of content. If a client takes more than a couple of days to respond to emails, the time frame will be thrown off.
The Illustrations
Getting the interior and exterior illustrations done can take two-three months, sometimes more. It will depend on the illustrator you use and his workload.
GETTING THE BOOK PUBLISHED (ready for distribution / sale)
Depending on your budget, you can hire someone from a site like to format and upload your book onto Kindle or other publishing venues.
Or you can hire a service, like BookBaby to do it for you. This route will cost more money, but you’ll have all your “Is” dotted and “Ts” crossed.
Self-Publishing a Chapter Book
If you have a chapter book ghosted, you’ll need at least one illustration for each chapter. If your budget allows, it’s better to have more illustrations. They can be simple grey tone or black and white sketches which will help keep costs in check.
The traditional route will cost much less. All you’ll be paying for is the ghostwriter. You won’t need illustrations.
While it will cost less, it will certainly take a lot longer.
You’ll have to submit your manuscript to publishers or literary agents to hopefully get a contract, and getting a contract is never a guarantee. You’ll need a query letter and a synopsis of the story.
When and if a contract happens, it can take up to two years before your book is actually published. So, patience will be needed.
And, be prepared for the publisher’s editor to go over your story and possibly request changes. This is just part of the process. Be open to suggestions.
I recommend you get the most recent edition of “Children’s Writer’s and Illustrator’s Market” by Writer’s Digest Books. This book provides information on publishers and agents in the children’s writing arena. These are the people you’ll be submitting your manuscript to.
And, for more information on traditional publishing, you can read:
Children’s Writing and Publishing – The Traditional Path
Before you publish your book, you absolutely need an author website. Publishers and agents will expect this. And, if you’re self-publishing it’s even more important.
According to Chuck Sambuchino of Writer’s Digest, in his book “Create Your Writer Platform,” an author’s platform (its visibility, connections, and reach) is a key factor when looking for a publisher or agent.
Take note that this is not after a book is published; it’s when the author is looking for a contract. Your platform begins with a website.
Summing it Up
This is a basic run-down of what to expect and what you’ll need to do to get your ghostwritten manuscript published.
Make Your Children’s Writing Website Focused – 3 Must-Haves, 6 Tips
Editing a Children’s Book – 10 Tips Checklist for Authors
Submitting Your Manuscript – 8 Tips
4 Book Marketing Strategies Guaranteed to Keep Your Platform Moving Forward

I’m a working children’s ghostwriter, rewriter, editor, and coach. I can help turn your story into a book you’ll be proud to be the author of, one that’s publishable and marketable.
A DIY book to help you write your own children’s book.
Four to twelve-week coaching programs
Fiction Writing for Children eCourse
4-Weeks / 8 Sections Guided Self-Study Mentoring Program
Self-publishing help for children’s authors
You can contact me at: Or give me a call at 347—834—6700. (Please leave a message- I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.)

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